One of the most frequently asked questions I receive is 'what inspires you?'
Luckily, I live in Scotland, a country with breathtaking natural beauty and like nothing better than being outdoors in it. I don't think I need to explain why the islands of the Outer Hebrides, Harris in particular, inspires me.
The beach at Luskentyre on Western Harris offers a changing palette of mouthwatering colours day in day out no matter what the weather is doing.
The water is crystal clear
and the wildlife abundant.
You can watch the seabirds all day, my favourite being the dynamic and sculptural arctic terns.
And not surprisingly, blues and greens are my favourite colours.
And yes, the sea really is Pantone 3105 at the waters edge, mixing with Pantone 2925 and Pantone 2935 further out - no filters needed at Huishinish beach Harris!